Rhoda on the right, is showing the look of the day, which is "this is fun but i think im gonna die!"
This is the view from the back of the car of a hill we just went up. We started down there in that city (which is Freetown) and now we're way up high on that dirt/rock road.
These are the cars that brought us to the island. These car have been put though a lot of abuse. I cant believe they're still working
We stopped halfway to the island to take pictures of a waterfall, this is my friend Kelly and I.
I forgot to rotate this sorry. Anyway a pretty picture of the waterfall.
So after the two hour bumpy car ride we reach the ocean where we take one of these canoes to the island. you can kind of see the island in the back of the picture. it was about a 30 minute boat ride. thankfully there were 15 of us so we took a larger boat...some people said the last time they came with a smaller group and took a smaller canoe, it tipped over in the water. awesome.
In the canoe! Rhoda and Clinton, the crazy ass driver. I made the mistake of telling him i could drive a stick and he threw the keys at me and said i could drive home. HA!
So once we get the island we had to walk into the water for a little while to actually reach land. I felt like we were never going to reach a beach
A really really big tree!! and sorry i forgot to rotate it again
FINALLY! the freakin beach. sooo nice. soo warm. you can see some of us in the water. after that i layed out on these rocks until i was dry, didnt even need a towel!
Not the most flattering picture of Rhoda and Kelly but this pretty much sums up what we did. read and took a nap on the rocks.
So then this guy asked people if they wanted to take a walk into the jungle. This walk turned into a 4 hour hike. I was wearing a wet bathing suit, flip flops, its hot and muggy and i had just gotten done doing night shifts. As you can see on my face, i really enjoyed the hike.
I believe that if any guy asks me to follow him into a jungle or even a crowed city, i have learned my lesson and will always say no.
I thought id end with a pretty picture. hope you all enjoyed!
Thank you, Jessie, for sharing. The crazy stuff will be forever set in your memory. :)